Monday, May 25, 2020

Is Juvenile Sex Offenders - 1741 Words

I. Juvenile Sex Offenders The focus of this paper is juvenile sex offenders. We believe that this population is in need of more intensive community-based services, especially for those who are registered as a Megan’s Law Offender and have to follow the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Process. Three case studies will be illustrated in order to demonstrate our motivation to pursue social justice for this population. In summer of 2015, I (Dalynet) sat on a courtroom witnessing how a Carl (a pseudonym) who had just turned 18 was being convicted and mandated to registered as a Megan’s Law Offender. The judge explained the process of registration and notification and how this juvenile diagnosed with developmental delays had to†¦show more content†¦It was hard for him to make a social life and to find residency (Bryan, 2015). I wish Hampton’s story was special, but it is not. Just like Hampton, there are many children who have been deemed as a sex offender and therefore required to register for a mistake they did early in their childhood. Our third case, illustrates the story of a homeless veteran in the sex offender registry. At my previous place of employment, I (Gwyn) met with an elderly veteran that was experiencing homelessness. During the intake process, I learned that the veteran was a third time Megan s Law offender and was recently released from prison to a local homeless shelter. When he revealed his offence I remember a flood of emotions. I did not want to support this man with housing because of my biases towards sex offenders. I quickly realized that I needed to put on my social work hat and help this human being. The veteran questioned â€Å"who will rent to me with such an extensive criminal background?, and â€Å"can I find affordable housing and employment to sustain myself?† The veteran alluded to violating his parole as a possible solution to not deal with society and this challenging hurdles he is facing (anonymous, personal communication, September 15, 2015). These real life case studies a re concrete examples of the challenges that juvenile sex offenders and social workers face every day. 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