Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Sound of Silence Discussion Essays - 1237 Words defines silence, as being an absence of a sound or noise, but for John Cage this could not be farther from the truth. Most people would agree with the dictionary definition that no noise is silence but Cage believed that silence is sound. Cage was not only a great composer but is known for his odd perspective and philosophy on silence and sound. His unique outlook differs from many composers, he believed to let â€Å"sounds be themselves† and to not manipulate them (â€Å"John Cage- Music, Sound and Silence). As stated in the YouTube video of John Cage about silence he believes that music is one of those things that don’t mean anything and that we should let things be as they are. This theory differs from many composers, who wish to†¦show more content†¦Cage refuted these movements rather than following them, he had his own ideas and thoughts. Cage was influenced by others as well as certain philosophies and ways of thinking. Zen Buddhism was a big influence in Cage’s career. This influenced Cage’s thoughts on music and how it should be used to change the mind and soul. Cage wanted to â€Å"evoke stillness† in his life as well as show others how to do so (Prichett). He learned also from D.T. Suzuki, a known teacher of Zen Buddhism. Through this philosophy and the teachings of Suzuki, Cage brought about a true understanding of music where the listener creates their own illustration. Cage used Zen Buddhism to further understand music and how it works independently. Another of Cage’s influences is Merce Cunningham, who later became his life long partner. They met while Cage was working as a dance accompanist at UCLA in 1937. They were not only partners but also worked together. During this time the two experimented with different ideas involving percussion and dancers. He began to write music for percussion ensembles, which then resulted in using dancers as musicians (pritchet). They brought lif e to inanimate objects or object known to be â€Å"unmusical†. Cage illustrated through this that music comes from anything and everywhere. He illustrated that he was able to use people in music and make movement into sound. Cage saw music and sound in an unusual way, differentShow MoreRelatedMusic Is The Sounds And Lack Of Sounds Of A Musical Work1384 Words   |  6 Pagesthe sounds and lack of sounds of a musical work are organized. Throughout the past years, many professors of ethnomusicology and music in general have attempted to define exactly what music is. Although there was and is a lot of discussion on the matter, most researchers began with the notion that music is essentially organized sound. However, there are cases where sounds are organized but humans do not consider them as music. Some of these instances include speech, poetry, and natural sounds. DueRead MoreNoise Is The Unwanted Sound1231 Words   |  5 Pagesunwanted sound. 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